Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Good...momma's been a busy girl :)

Katelynn brought all of her books and all of her animals into her crib to read to them *swoon*

My little Rockstar!

Bath Time!

Saving for her future :)

Now what mom, I'm bored?

One little monkey jumping on the bed!

This is a HORRIBLE picture of me but I caught K giving me one of her famous great big bear hugs that helts your heart in a picture so I just had to post it.

DId you make it through all that? Bless your heart, that why we love you! Hope you enjoyed your Katelynn fix.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The day before the Diet...

So this is usually the day where I eat anything and everything in sight. mouning down on all the treats I think I will lose forever. Usually I lose them for abbout 3 days and then I give up on my diet and have another pig out day to drown my sorrows of forever being the fat girl. I countinue to eat like crap for weeks and then end up right back at today...
The day before the diet.
Will this time be any different....I sure hope so!